! 【重要】今後の教育活動について


  • 4月13日(月)の登校日は、中止します。
  • 5月6日(水・祝)まで臨時休業とします。
  • 4月8日現在次の登校日は5月7日(木)です。それまでの登校日の設定はありません。
  • 外出は、控えて過ごしましょう。
  • 「立川市子ども居場所事業」として校庭の開放を継続します。
  • 長期にわたり学校に登校できないことでお子様の不安が高まるような場合について「相談日」を学年ごとに設定します。(詳細は、別途掲載いたします。) 


校長  福原 憲生

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          Yesterday, the Cabinet Office declared a state of emergency against a Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). We have received instructions from the Tachikawa City Board of Education, and have decided as follows.
  • Attendance day on Monday, April 13 will be CANCELLED.
  • We will be temporarily closed until Wednesday, May 6.
  • As of April 8, the next attendance day is Thursday, May 7.There is no attendance day until May 6.
  • Do not go out. STAY AT HOME. 
  • We will continue to open the schoolyard as a "Tachikawa city Project for Locating Children".
  • "DATE OF CONSULTATION" will be set for each grade in cases where children's anxiety increases due to their long-term inability to attend school. (Details will be posted separately.)
Please CHECK our website at least once a day, and SHARE any updates with your child.

Municipal Matunaka Elementary School in Tachikawa 
Principal: Fukuhara Norio